Package: GDAtools 2.2

Nicolas Robette

GDAtools: Geometric Data Analysis

Many tools for Geometric Data Analysis (Le Roux & Rouanet (2005) <doi:10.1007/1-4020-2236-0>), such as MCA variants (Specific Multiple Correspondence Analysis, Class Specific Analysis), many graphical and statistical aids to interpretation (structuring factors, concentration ellipses, inductive tests, bootstrap validation, etc.) and multiple-table analysis (Multiple Factor Analysis, between- and inter-class analysis, Principal Component Analysis and Correspondence Analysis with Instrumental Variables, etc.).

Authors:Nicolas Robette [aut, cre]

GDAtools.pdf |GDAtools.html
GDAtools/json (API)

# Install 'GDAtools' in R:
install.packages('GDAtools', repos = c('', ''))

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Last updated 4 months agofrom:b300385aa0. Checks:OK: 3 NOTE: 4. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKSep 07 2024
R-4.5-winNOTESep 07 2024
R-4.5-linuxNOTESep 07 2024
R-4.4-winNOTESep 07 2024
R-4.4-macNOTESep 07 2024
R-4.3-winOKSep 07 2024
R-4.3-macOKSep 07 2024



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Plots for Ascending Hierarchical Clusteringahc.plots
Cosine similarities and angles between CSA and MCAangles.csa
Bar plot of contributionsbarplot_contrib
Between-class MCAbcMCA
Between-class Principal Component AnalysisbcPCA
Bootstrap validation (supplementary variables)bootvalid_supvars
Bootstrap validation (active variables)bootvalid_variables
Burt tableburt
Coinertia analysis between two groups of categorical variablescoiMCA
Coinertia analysis between two groups of numerical variablescoiPCA
Concentration ellipsesconc.ellipse
Contributions of active variablescontrib
Class Specific AnalysiscsMCA
Discriminant AnalysisDA
Discriminant Analysis of Qualitative VariablesDAQ
Dichotomizes the variables in a data framedichotom
Dichotomizes the factor variables in a mixed format data framedichotomixed
Description of the contributions to axesdimcontrib
Description of the dimensionsdimdescr
Correlation ratios (aka eta-squared) of supplementary variablesdimeta2
Typicality tests for supplementary variablesdimtypicality
Chi-squared distancedist.chi2
Flips the coordinatesflip.mca
Names of the categories in a data framegetindexcat
Plot of attractions between categoriesggadd_attractions
Convex hulls for a categorical supplementary variableggadd_chulls
Heatmap of under/over-representation of a supplementary variableggadd_corr
Density plot of a supplementary variableggadd_density
Confidence ellipsesggadd_ellipses
Plot of interactions between two categorical supplementary variablesggadd_interaction
Concentration ellipses and k-inertia ellipsesggadd_kellipses
Plot of supplementary individualsggadd_supind
Plot of a categorical supplementary variableggadd_supvar
Plot of categorical supplementary variablesggadd_supvars
Plot of variables on a single axisggaxis_variables
Ellipses of bootstrap validation (supplementary variables)ggbootvalid_supvars
Ellipses of bootstrap validation (active variables)ggbootvalid_variables
Plot of the cloud of individualsggcloud_indiv
Plot of the cloud of variablesggcloud_variables
eta-squared plotggeta2_variables
Plots the density a supplementary variableggsmoothed_supvar
Generalized Principal Component AnalysisgPCA
Homogeneity test for a categorical supplementary variablehomog.test
App for junk categories of specific MCAijunk
Multiple Correspondence Analysis with Instrumental VariablesMCAiv
Multiple Correspondence Analysis with Orthogonal Instrumental VariablesMCAoiv
Medoids of clustersmedoids
Benzecri's modified rates of variancemodif.rate
Multiple Factor AnalysismultiMCA
Music (data)Music
Nonsymmetric Correspondence AnalysisnsCA
Biplot for Nonsymmetric Correspondence Analysisnsca.biplot
Principal Component Analysis with Instrumental VariablesPCAiv
Principal Component Analysis with Orthogonal Instrumental VariablesPCAoiv
Contributions to a planeplanecontrib
Plot of class specific MCAplot.csMCA
Plot of Multiple Factor Analysisplot.multiMCA
Plot of specific MCAplot.speMCA
Plot of standardized MCAplot.stMCA
Quadrant of active individualsquadrant
Quasi-correspondence analysisquasindep
RV coefficientrvcoef
Scaled deviations for a categorical supplementary
specific MCAspeMCA
Standardized MCAstMCA
Statistics for supplementary individualsindsup supind
Statistics for a categorical supplementary variablesupvar varsup
Statistics for categorical supplementary variablessupvars varsups
Table with the main contributions of categories to an axistabcontrib
Taste (data)Taste
Plot of supplementary individualstextindsup
Plot of a categorical supplementary variabletextvarsup
Deprecated functiontranslate.logit
Within-class MCAwcMCA
Within-class Principal Component AnalysiswcPCA
Deprecated functionsassoc.catcont assoc.twocat assoc.twocont assoc.yx catdesc condesc darma ggassoc_boxplot ggassoc_crosstab ggassoc_phiplot ggassoc_scatter pem phi.table wtable